How to Explain the roles and responsibilities of the early years practitioner in supporting equality, diversity and inclusive practice.

As early years practitioners one of our daily routines is to ensure that we promote equality and diversity at all times when supporting the children in our settings, either during play time, mealtime or rest times. Children needs to feel wanted, and so it is imperative for individual practitioner to …

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Explain how health and safety risk assessments are monitored and reviewed in your setting.

Explain how health and safety risk assessments are monitored and reviewed in your setting. All settings are required to carry out risk assessments to ensure the health and safety of the children and other people, who attend the setting, and to prevent harm and ensure relevant actions are taken and …

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Examine in detail how legislation and guidelines for safeguarding contribute to the development of policy and procedure.

For any operating setting or a setting that is planning to open they must have in place safeguarding policies and procedures. Safeguarding is a term where action is taken to promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm. The safeguarding of children is everyone’s responsibility. It’s defined in …

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How to Outline the current legislation and guidelines for the safeguarding, protection and welfare of children.

All settings who work or come into contact with children must have safeguarding policies and procedures, and that is the policy. This will ensure that all children despite their age, beliefs, gender and ethnicity twill  be protected from harm. When a setting sets up a good procedure and policy they …

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Describe how you would support a child to prepare for a stay in hospital.

Describe how you would support a child to prepare for a stay in hospital. For anyone let alone a child going into hospital can be a daunting adventure and sometimes frightening experience. So as a early years practitioner it’s important to work alongside the parents and or carers and sometimes …

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Provide an explanation of the procedures you need to follow if a child is taken ill at the setting.

Provide an explanation of the procedures you need to follow if a child is taken ill at the setting. When children become ill at the setting we must follow the procedures of the setting to help the child. When you first notice the chid not well maybe they feel hot, …

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Explain your role in supporting the needs of children during transitions and significant life events.

I will need to make sure the child understands about moving to reception and leaving the setting. Ways I can support them at this time is talk about the school they will be going to, and all the fun things they will be able to do at the school. Also …

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Explain your role in preparing a child for a planned transition.

When a child moves from nursery to reception year or into another setting, as key workers we need to make this transition a positive experience for the child. As a key worker we need to plan so that the child does not get scared, anxious or stressed as this significant …

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Research and explain the following theories of John Bowlby, Harry Harlow, Mary Ainsworth and James and Joyce Robertson on emotional -well being

Many researchers have studied and researched different emotional wellbeing in children, and they all believed that children needs to feel cared for, loved and looked after by a parent or carer, and if these care are given rightly it will help the child develop self-esteem, interpersonal skills that will help …

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Describe what the benefits are of working in partnership with parents and carers regarding physical care routines.

For early year’s practitioners, parents and carers are the most important people we will work with regarding the children as they have been with them since an early age and will have instilled a good routine for their child. It’s important for all parties involved that these routines are followed …

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