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How to Outline the current legislation and guidelines for the safeguarding, protection and welfare of children.

All settings who work or come into contact with children must have safeguarding policies and procedures, and that is the policy. This will ensure that all children despite their age, beliefs, gender and ethnicity twill  be protected from harm. When a setting sets up a good procedure and policy they will make children safe from abuse from others .

Safeguarding for children is paramount and as a settings who is involved with children we need to have policies and procedures in place to make sure all children are safe from harm an abuse while in our care and they feel happy and secure while they attend this setting. As a team of practitioners we all need to be trained in this area so they are able to spot early signs of abuse and neglect that may be happening to a child within our setting.

Children need to be able to trust the adults and build bonds with the practitioners within the setting, and with safeguarding in place you will make the child feel happy, and they will

Protection of children Act 1999 is an additional safeguard to children’s welfare, the protection of children act requires childcares and another organisation that has supervision of children they are not to offer employment whether that’s paid or volunteering to any person who is listed on the list for unsuitable to work with children.

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Working together to safeguard children (2013) clarifies the workforce’s responsibilities with regard to safeguarding children. For it to be effective every organisation and professional must play their part, with a child centred approach and be based on a clear understanding the need and views of children. The need of the child is paramount. All professionals are alert to needs of families, children they come into contact with and share information appropriate and timely manner. The role of the LSCBs local safeguarding children’s boards monitor and challenge the effectiveness of local arrangements. And when things go wrong serious case reviews (SCRs) are published.

The protection of children is part of safeguarding as it’s a process of protecting individual children, who may be suffering harm as a result of abuse and neglect. All children have the right of protection against abuse that may be inflicted upon them. All setting will have a child protection plan and with this when a concern or incident has been brought to the attention of the child protection officer or manager of the setting then and investigation can start and help the child of the abuse that’s being shown to them.            

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Outline the current legislation and guidelines for the safeguarding, protection and welfare of children.
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